Email From A Friend
This just came to me from a friend who lives in Pass Christian but works in BSL at one of the schools. It is the perfect example of how stress accumulates following a disaster. Life continues with all it's trials and tribulations, but after awhile, all you see are the trials. This is why the folks need emotional, spiritual and psychological support as much as financial.
I just read an email from a friend of my daughter. She needs lots of prayers. She is going into surgery this morning for breast cancer. Her mother recently died and her husband recently asked her for a divorce. Her oldest daughter is afraid she will die in the hospital. So, please pray for Lisa today.
Yesterday I got word that my God daughter is having surgery today, instead of next week, for her recently diagnosed lymphoma. (The surgery was scheduled for next week and the oncologist she saw yesterday didn't want to put the surgery off another day) Sara is 34 and five months pregnant with her third child. We have no prognosis for Sara, and won't until some time after the surgery. Her baby is not a year old and her 4 year old is not handling all the trips to the doctors' well.
Sara's mom, my friend of 40+ years, leukemia and severe arthritis and is wearing thin. So, I'll drive to St. Louis tomorrow to help in whatever way I can. So, please pray for Sara and Jane and the children.
I am sad for these young families, but other wise, grateful for the health of my family. My contractor is not getting the prices he needs to write up a contract, so I am still playing the waiting game. Do keep me in your prayers as well, but that seems like a dumb thing to pray for in the midst of such tragic news.
I was dx with Breast Cancer in January and am currently going through chemo. It is a trial under the best of circumstances which I am blessed to enjoy since I live on the northshore of lake Pontchatrain and my home was spared any major heart and prayers go out to Lisa and your god daughter.
I remember thinking the night I was in the hospital for my Breast surgery about all the people that had to deal with cancer AND all the loss from the storms and the levee failure so I can only count myself as blessed to only have the CA to deal with of course we all deal with Katrina each and every day in some way big or small. Thanks for all you are doing.
A kindred spirit
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